Mid-March - April 2024: 7 week Bouquet Subscription


Can't wait for the flowers to bloom and the sunshine to warm your face? Get a jump start with 7 weeks of flower deliveries starting in Mid-March. We have been hard at work tucking in all our flowers so you can have beautiful blooms early. These spring flower possibilities will be Anemones, Ranunculus, Iceland Poppies and others sure to brighten your day. All bouquets will arrive ready to be dropped in your vase.

If you are within these zip codes we can deliver right to your door for $10/week : 35043, 35124, 35147, 35185, 35205, 35209, 35213, 35216, 35222, 35223, 35226, 35229, 35238, 35242, 35243, 35244. Please call if you do not see your zip code.

Or for no additional charge you can pick up at the farm. Mondays for 9-11 or Wednesdays from 4:30 to 6:30

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